PrimitivesTextBoxButtonFlexLinkModalData inputInputData vizList
Input Interlock Input component
This component inherits all attributes inherit to Inputs. It extends React.InputHTMLAttributes<HTMLInputElement> 🔗 label ▪️ variant ▪️ type ▪️ css Input Props
interface InputProps
  extends Omit<InputHTMLAttributes<HTMLInputElement>, "style"> {
   * Label for input
  label: string;
   * Name attribute for forms
  name: string;
   * Input variant
  variant?: "labelled" | "label-hidden";
   * Input type
  type?: "number" | "string";
   * Inline input overrides
  css?: React.CSSProperties;

  <Input label="Test label" />
Rendered output

nameUnderling string value that is passed as the name attribute to the underlying input

  <Input label='Test variant' variant="labelled" css={{ marginBottom: 10 }} />
  <Input label='Test variant' variant="label-hidden" />
Rendered output

  <Input label='String' type="string" css={{ marginBottom: 10 }} />
  <Input label="Number" type="number" />
Rendered output

  <Input label='Custom css' css={{ width: '100%', maxWidth: 200 }} />
Rendered output